October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and I am so proud that I have been able to help survivors along the way. Often after their surgeries, these survivors are left with a reminder that can leave additional scars on their heart. My post surgical areola revisions help to give these fighters a sense of confidence and diminish the constant reminder when they look in the mirror.
This is an art form that I have perfected using light and shade within the areola itself. Creating a softness around the edge. Each design is created specifically for the individual and although what I am doing is considered medical tattooing, I definitely consider it an art.
I find that it’s not about conforming or looking perfect, but to these ladies (and men) it is essentially a restoration of something that has been taken away from them. There is nothing better than hearing one of my patients say, “thank you for helping me feel normal again.” Hearing their personal stories, their journey, their fight…hearing everything they have been through really touches my soul.
This is something I am extremely passionate about and I love what I do. Being able to give people back something that has been taken away from them, and in most cases be that final piece of their journey. I am blessed to be a part of it.
Emily Hutchinson, CCE, LE, CME, Paramedical Aesthetician is considered one of the top post surgical revision artists in Florida. Her passion in her craft is evident in the skill she possess. Call us to schedule your consultation (561) 631-9047 or contact us online today.