Whether you are a serious athlete or prioritizing exercise for weight loss, soreness and injuries can slow down the progress you work hard for. NovoTHOR is an advanced new technology which allows patients to restore muscles, heal injuries, and improve strength without downtime or an invasive procedure. The treatment works by using red light therapy and is scientifically proven to restore wound healing and muscle and joint function. Nouveau Health & Wellness is proud to offer the low level light therapy NovoTHOR to our Palm Beach Gardens patients.
NovoTHOR is a type of whole-body light therapy. It Is often referred to as a “pod” technology which utilizes red and near-infrared light to help repair various types of tissues and relieve pain. This red light therapy is known as photobiomodulation. NovoTHOR is intended to:
- Improve joint mobility
- Enhance strength and muscle performance
- Relieve soreness
- Relax muscles
- Reduce muscle or joint aches and stiffness
- Relieve arthritis pain and stiffness
- Increase blood circulation
Some patients also experience reduced stress or improved sleep from the low level laser therapy treatment.
The NovoTHOR Procedure
The NovoTHOR procedure is overall similar to the experience of using a tanning bed. During treatment, you will simply lie in the NovoTHOR pod with the visible light. The red and infrared lights will be turned on for about 15 minutes per treatment, and most NovoTHOR appointments last no longer than 20 minutes total. NovoTHOR is not painful, but the lights used are bright, so you should not undergo treatment if your skin is photosensitive. A majority of patients will schedule two NovoTHOR treatment per week, but you can undergo the treatment as often as daily depending on your pain relief and tissue repair needs.
What to Expect After NovoTHOR
After NovoTHOR treatment, you will notice that the red light treatments reduce pain, tendon inflammation, or stiffness in muscles and joints. Those with acute injuries will find that their injury heals much faster. The treatment requires no downtime and should not cause any side effects. Most patients will undergo multiple treatment sessions with NovoTHOR to reach their ideal results; most commonly, you will be prescribed a total of 6-12 sessions. Patients notice that red light therapy exhibited an accelerated healing process, relief for carpal tunnel syndrome, increased collagen production, and can repair damaged tendons.
Candidates for NovoTHOR
NovoTHOR is a good treatment option for a wide range of candidates. First, it can be beneficial to those who have injuries in the joints or muscles, as the treatment can help accelerate healing. Many candidates seek relief for activated achilles tendinitis. It can also be useful for those who have frequent joint or muscle pain or stiffness, such as arthritis patients. Athletes or those on a strict diet and exercise program are also good candidates for NovoTHOR, as the treatment can help repair and restore the muscles quickly after a workout. Finally, NovoTHOR is often recommended as part of a weight loss plan, as the treatment can help patients stay on-track through strenuous exercise routines and may reduce fat.
Because bright lights are used in NovoTHOR treatment, it is not suitable for those with photosensitive skin. This procedure is not recommended for those with active carcinoma, epilepsy, who are pregnant, and anyone taking photosensitive medications. During your consultation, you should disclose any medical conditions to help determine your candidacy and ensure NovoTHOR is a safe option for you.
All Things Beauty, Wellness & Athletics at Nouveau in Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Nouveau Health & Wellness is an award-winning family wellness center in the Palm Beach area. Our services integrate conventional medicine with holistic, complementary, and alternative approaches to health care.
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Schedule a Consultation
To learn more about NovoTHOR, schedule a consultation at Nouveau Health & Wellness. Call our Palm Beach Gardens, FL office at (561) 240-3000 or contact us online.
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